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I've been a little quiet on here lately. It was my intention to write about progress weekly but, time (and lack thereof) keeps getting in the way of my intentions.

I've been pulled in so many different directions lately, that I'm now pro-clone .I could really use one.

The business is coming together, but at a much slower rate than I would like, which is frustrating. Most of the tasks needed are now out of my hands, there are certain things I cannot do alone, and therefore have to wait on other people to help, or work around other peoples schedules. It's challenging for me, as I'm so ready to swing these doors open, and get this party started.

Turns out that I may have developed a phobia of Home Depot during this process too. I literally have to give myself pep-talks, meditate, and dry my sweaty palms on walking into that place these days.'s a thing.

So...progress..... Records have arrived...exciting times...merchandise on it's way...panini grill is being experimented with, (I'm gaining weight because of this,) most permits are in order, hired some help, furniture is in here and looking good, systems are almost fully operational.

I'm quite proud of how far this little place has come since I walked in the door. I'm humbled by the amount of people that have taken an interest, and the people that have stepped up to help, it's been an overwhelming journey.

Trying to find 'balance' is always a tricky thing as a single, working parent, and I have been a little hard on myself over the past few weeks....I've not been able to give my time to others as freely as I'm normally able, I've had to prioritize...hoping that people will understand. I've not been as attentive a friend to some, as playful with LV as normal, as organized at home, or really taken any respite to refresh my mind, I've been in a perpetual state of distraction really. My brain has too many tabs open at once, and my hard drive is running slowly because of it. Attempting to be a great friend, great parent, great provider, great business woman, keep on top of all things autism, great scheduler, great this, great's exhausting...I'm going to give myself a break, and settle for mediocre in a few less important areas, and maybe this will help my sanity....maybe....

I can't keep going at this pace, so I've decided to drop a few things from the priority list, and attempt to go with the flow a little more on this (easier said than done when all the money is going out, and there's none of it coming in.) I'm listening to Bob Marley as I type...setting the tone for chill the F's going to be okay..'man!'

Right, I'm off to fight my homedepotaphobia once more, wish me luck.

Soon....I will be open very soon......until then, here's a picture of a sexy panini that I ate this week.......

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